Monday, October 31, 2005




Thursday, October 27, 2005











原文: 杜琪峰《黑社會》賺錢高招

Wednesday, October 26, 2005



CLAMP是一個四人集團(人數曾經較多),畫的漫畫都是比較華麗的類型,在很多角川(以前)跟講談社(現在)的漫畫雜誌都有連載,較多人認識的作品有『X』、『聖伝』、『Card Captor Sakura』等。CLAMP的作品經常有一個特點,就是好人不像好人,壞人不一定做壞事。





追加:死之花是朋友網站的其中一頁。也有提到TB哦!不妨猜猜是誰 ^_^

Circus Flohcati


Circus Flohcati 是一個很簡單的紙牌遊戲,作者是Reiner Knizia。我想都沒有哪個還在玩圖版遊戲的現代人不知道他是誰吧?他是一個德國出生的數學博士。我不清楚他主修哪科,不過從他對骰子的著迷程度--他寫了一本書講骰子的,叫Dice Games Properly Explained--應與或然率有點關係吧?他設計的遊戲怕超過100,肯定是產量最多的一人。但產量多不代表質素參差,相反很多都是高質素的作品,例如最近再版的Ra 就是。想知更多可到wikipedia 找Reiner Knizia 的簡介。他寫的遊戲也沒有特定的觀眾,其中有幾分鐘能玩完、消磨時間用的家庭遊戲,也有要玩長時間、花腦力的重型遊戲。

Circus Flohcati 就是一個十分簡單的遊戲,全盒只有多種語言印製的規則跟89張卡片,可供三至五人同玩。卡片分十種顏色,0至7各一張,另九張特別功能牌。早幾天友人新買了一盒,當然先拿來玩一下。規則很簡單,到你的時候選一張卡拿上手,如果沒有合意的卡則可以抽卡放在枱上,直至有你想要的卡為至。但要留意,如果你抽的卡跟枱上的顏色相同,你的回合則立即完結。當遊戲完結時你手上的卡每種顏色最高分的一張加起來就是你的分數。那拿0不是沒有人會拿?遊戲當然沒這麼簡單,還有一種特別的計分方式:只要把三張同數字的牌丟到枱上,不管面值多少都變成10分。

Can't Stop一樣,Circus Flohcati是一個簡單的push your luck遊戲。規則雖簡單但要思考的其實也很多:枱面上有三張1、一張2、一張4,你要拿牌還是再開下去?如果拿的話,要拿1、2、還是4?自己手上的牌跟已知對手手上的牌對你有影響嗎?這要留玩者自己思考了。

以中文寫一些不是中國人的東西實在很麻煩。問題:push your luck 中文怎譯?

Monday, October 24, 2005











有<無間道>珠玉在前,<黑社會>勝在擺脫了最濫情的臥底橋段,甚至連一幕旗鼓相當的黑白兩道大鬥法的場面(e.g. 曾志偉 vs 黃秋生的一幕)也沒有,反之是樸實無華地描寫一次黑幫話事人選舉交棒的腥風血雨;正因為沒有太多情節上的出人意表,因此更添劇情的感染性和張力,這亦是最 考編劇功力的地方。當然,有人認為龍頭棍的爭奪有點脫離現實甚至乎過份漫畫化,但我認為這正是全片最畫龍點睛的一個意象符號!當任達華第一次看見龍頭棍,說出一句:「我都係第一次見!」他為權力著魔的表情,就令觀眾更容易明白杜琪峰以黑社會為題拍電影的弦外之音!



我不知道我在朋友間的印象如何?我覺得自己像個自閉青年。有甚麼事都喜歡收在心中,情緒化,不合群,想法負面,沒甚麼自信,甚麼self-esteem 全都沒有。也不是沒有,只是好像從不知何時埋在不知何處,在某些不適當的時候才會展現出來。


不知大家有沒有看明珠台做的Las Vegas?第二季最後的『大爆炸』跟我們的情況有點像。只是不知事實會不會如第三季一樣發展…

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Christina Stürmer

The blog is not only for movies. If time allows I will also write about the games I played and music I listened to. I have written a little bit about Denise Ho. I believe I should also write about Christina Stürmer, to whom I listen almost every day.

Stürmer is an Austrian singer. Only 25 years old, she had already won twice in the Austrian Music Award, as the best Pop/Rock female singer. Brilliant, is she not? She does not have a pretty face, but she sings quite well. Reminds me of Denise Ho in the old days.

If you know me in real life you should have known that I have been learning German for more than 2 years. I think it helps if I listen to german songs, so I went searching at There I found names such as Nena, Juli, 2raumwohnung, and of course Christina Stürmer. One of her CD covers look quite nice so I went to get mp3 of some of her old CDs at The Torrent Galaxy. Quickly I grow addicted to her music. Unfortunately her best CDs are already sold out.

She is now having a Germany tour. I would have gone there if not for the recent events! (Above: she doing soundcheck with her band before a show)

To the Official homepage (Germany)
More about Christina Stürmer at Wikipedia
At Yahoo! Musik you can find some of her music videos.
(all in german)

Saturday, October 15, 2005

What makes a great doctor?

What makes a great doctor? HOUSE may give you a clue. The first season of this Fox TV series is now showing on AXN (In US they already have a season 2).

Dr House (Hugh Laurie) is an infectious disease specialist with a broken leg. In each episode he and his team of talented doctors take on a new case. He however does not skip on any chance where he could insult one of his colleagues or patients. This behaviour may seem anti-social, but as the series proceeds, we eventually find him possessing every trait that a good doctor should have. Most people do not understand that behind his taunts lies a kind heart. To him being a doctor is not a job, but a way to save lives and to teach his patients how to live better.

In episode 9 (the latest on AXN) we starts seeing it in more detail. John Henry, the wheelchaired musician who had no will to live because he can no longer play his horn, discovered that he and Dr House are the same type of people. They both have this "thing" inside them. This thorn, the desire to do better, had them sacrificed a lot for their achievements as musician and doctor. Through the treatments Dr House made John understand that music may be his most important part of life, but not the only reason of life.

House, the official web site

Thursday, October 06, 2005

World in War: Axis and Allies revisited

Time for some game reviews and session reports.

I am not really a big fan of Axis and Allies but I have seen some very positive review on spielfrieks, which also influenced my decision to buy Antiquity. The system of World in War: Combined Arms 1939-1945 seems innovative enough for the big money it costs. Three weeks ago I received the big parcel from Delayed Reactions including World in War and a couple of other games I bought. Surely I must give them a try, so I brought them to the last two saturday gatherings at Poly University of Hong Kong.

It turns out I have keen instincts judging games. In the last two weeks we have played 4 games. The first three were more like a mess, but with a more sensible opponent, the fourth was a blast.

In was a 2-player game. In that game I was playing Germany with the suggested variant of an extra Western Powers submarine. My opponent decided very early that France cannot be defended, and would instead carry out a sea blockade on every port his ships could reach. The game ended at turn 4 (or perhaps it was turn 5) because it was already midnight with a dozen hungry eyes watching us play. When we pack the game, Germany had about 19 production points and Allied around 15. I already had control of the whole central-western Europe and is pushing towards Russia, but the supply lines are long and I had no control of the sea. I probably cannot attack fast enough before UK could regroup and dump units in western Europe in the future turns.

The outcome was surprisingly close to real history. Western powers occupying the sea while German troops are roaming freely in Europe. I should have built more submarines to break out of the blockade and Russia was harder to defeat than expected. How would the game have played out? God knows. I only know that I would persuade most of my A&A friends to try this game.

The gameplay is very dynamic; one must constantly adjust strategies and tactics in order to gain the upper edge. There had been many A&A websites with discussions and articles on A&A strategies. I wonder if there are web sites focussing on strategy for this game? Please let me know if you have found any.

Wait 'Til You're Older

I am not a big fan of Andy Lau, but the company I work for is a sponsor of the movie. Many colleagues went to the premiere show and came back with very positive comments. The movie looked promising enough, so I went anyway.

With no gangsters, crimelords, nor gamblers, I am surprised to see such a high calibre Hong Kong movie like this one. Years ago, Kwong's mother commited suicide because his father fell in love with another women. Since then the kid had been living with the stepmother, and refused to communicate with his parents. He hated his parents. He wanted to be free from them. He wanted to grow up. One day he met an old alchemist in the park and witnessed the effects of the old man's new invention: a magical growth potion. He stole the potion and became an adult after just one night's sleep. How could he live in his new shell? Could he forgive his parents for the mistakes they made? Or, could he ask the forgiveness of his parents for his childishness?

Families and friends, misunderstanding and forgiveness. These are not common themes in local movies, but it had been wrapped up very well. They might have borrowed a few ideas from Big Fish, I guess. Your parents but not tell you every truth, but if they don't, they are probably doing you good. Not that I would change my attitudes towards my father though.

Impressions on Wait 'Til You're Older: 7/10