八卦的我很喜歡吃飯時偷聽身旁不認識的人說話。星期五晚在美食廣場吃飯聽到對面一男一女在談佛學、殺生的問題。女的一句說話引起我的好奇心:「如果信佛為 甚麼不能吃素呢?一個月只兩天(指初一、十五)。」男的邊吃著他的韓式雞肉飯,邊回應說即使他不吃這飯,雞還是要死。女的看來有點語塞,只說兩者有關連, 吃肉的行動已種了因,如果找某某大師就能詳細解譯。
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Posted by hokuto at 19:09 2 comments
Labels: nonsense
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Engineered chickens make cancer drugs
A team at the institute that cloned Dolly the sheep have made a genetically engineered chicken that produces cancer drugs in its eggs. [...] Many human therapeutic proteins are produced in industrial bioreactors, but setting up such systems is both time-consuming and expensive. [...] Scientists have been trying to find good ways to turn animals into factories instead. [...] The researchers have now bred several hundred chickens that can produce the desired proteins.
Posted by hokuto at 00:34 2 comments
Thursday, January 11, 2007
傳說某四仔店:(調寄Jingle Bells) DVD, DVD, DVDVD!
尖沙咀某茶餐廳:(調寄Old McDonald Had a Farm) 兩個都係涷奶茶,邊位飲~架?
尖沙咀某茶餐廳:(客人:唔該想要餐具) 咁你要中國兵器定西洋兵器呢?筷子就中國人發明既,刀叉呢啲野就西洋人發明既!
鰂魚涌某麵店:(幫客人落單後) 你今次既消費係十七蚊,加五蚊。(數分鐘後) 我有責任提醒你,你叫呢個餐加五蚊可以要冷熱飲品。 (另一個客人叫魚蛋麵) 我質疑你個麵係粗麵定麵!
Posted by hokuto at 02:34 2 comments
Labels: nonsense
Friday, January 05, 2007
"Do you support the President's stance on Kyrgyzstan?"
In fact, most Americans would even support a war against a country they've never heard of.
Posted by hokuto at 01:37 0 comments
Labels: nonsense
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Murder. Deplorable. Investigation. Arrest. Murders.
Tuesday, 2nd January
"Frankly, to get this kind of recorded messages coming out is totally unacceptable and I think whoever is involved and responsible for it should be ashamed of themselves.", John Prescott, Deputy prime minister, said on BBC Radio regarding the mobile video.
Iraq’s Shiite-led government said Tuesday that it had ordered an investigation into the abusive behavior at the execution of Saddam Hussein.
Wednesday, 3rd January
The person believed to have recorded Saddam Hussein's raucous execution on a cell phone camera was arrested.
"Yes, we would have [done things differently]. But that's not our decision," said Major General William Caldwell, a U.S. military spokesman.
Thursday, 4th January
More Murders
Two of Saddam Hussein's comrades, Barzan Ibrahim and Awad Hamed al-Bandar, will be hanged later today.
Yelling "Go to hell" is acceptable. Spreading the footage of it is abusive and deplorable. It's like the French Revolution without a Guillotine. The Iraqi government scored 5 points taking Saddam's head. Who will win in this game?
* photo from German edition of Guillotine (Wizards of the Coast, 1998). Taken without permission.
Posted by hokuto at 00:59 0 comments
Labels: news
Monday, January 01, 2007
"This whole execution is about justice"
Hiwa Osman, an adviser for the Iraqi president, told the BBC after a second mobile video was in wide circulation. Is it justice, or an abuse of justice?
You can read more about Saddam Hussein's last moments on BBC.
Posted by hokuto at 04:46 0 comments
Labels: news