Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Antique discovery, part 1

Digging into age-old rubbish of an old woman, you will never know what you can find. I recently moved house and there in the old home I found lots of things my oma stockpiled, some of which more than 20 years old.

An old supermarket shopping bag which I thrown away after having it photographed. From what I found inside it is probably from the 70s or 80s. Do you recognize the brands promoted on the bag? I don't. Searching on the Internet, those brands still exist, but they are probably no longer available in Hong Kong. KWV Brandy is produced by KMV International, a South African Company. Hungry Jack is an American firm selling pancake materials. Local supermarkets may still stock them, but I do not make pancakes so I am not sure.

More to come when I unpack the stuff...


At 15 November, 2005 21:01 , dino said...

哎呀, 做咩掉左個千年膠袋咁浪費呀, 應該捐去博物館麻

At 15 November, 2005 21:08 , hokuto said...

遲下仲有part 2 架,例如現在已冇得賣既木盒火柴…

At 16 November, 2005 11:52 , admin said...

講真架,你可以捐去沙田文化博物館... 不過呢個博物館好多正野都係待執中

以前學校有個project, lecturer要我地去圖書館影印晒D五六十年代某類產品的廣告出來,再寫report 分析... (簡稱幫佢research) 最終目標係出本類似呢D書

At 16 November, 2005 14:37 , hokuto said...

你的project 真偉大…

我讀書的project 都係寫埋晒無謂program