Sunday, December 04, 2005

The office might be bad for your health

A Fast Company magazine article by Drew Armstrong says that "employees who felt their supervisors treated them fairly had a 30 percent lower risk of heart disease". Also, Angus Loten revealed to us that a noisy workplace might be dangerous to our health. "A loud workplace can raise the risk of heart attack for men by nearly a third," and "ambient city noises alone, like commuter traffic or air conditioners, may also boost the risk for both sexes -- three-fold for women and up to 50% for men."

Terrible, is it not?


At 04 December, 2005 22:19 , dino said...

哎呀, 咁咪要買定多啲亞斯匹靈(Aspirin)俾你囉 :>

At 04 December, 2005 22:26 , hokuto said...


At 06 December, 2005 22:25 , kalends said...

噪音污染... 你逢星期六日去各大展覽館睇下,真係命都短幾年…